Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dear John Mayer , - A Rant

Dear John Mayer,

Like a disapproving parent, always with the belief that their child can reach their potential (But secretly knowing this is an unachievable feat) if they actually put forward effort… I write this rant to you.

Let’s be honest here. Let’s be really honest. Every single one of your albums does have its hidden gem, its diamond it the rough, so to speak. Do you know why? I do. It’s because you are a legitimately very talented guitarist, you are well versed in the blues, and tracks like “Bold as Love” let that shine. Your excellent skills revive well aged songs like “Crossroads” and “Free Falling” in a wonderful fashion that make them appeal to both the musically inept teenage fan-girl, and the older, more matured ear.

But then you go and screw it all up. You listen to your executives, the people who threw you a bone with “Room for Squares” and you've been at their feet ever since. They groom you for stadium sized fan-girl deafening “Your Baaaaa—ddyy is a Wonderlanndd” crap.
They told me this was stylish! 

The recurring problem is this – you are appealing to the mass, which causes you to throw away a lot of your potential.

Then, you run away from your manly-tears, hugs and kisses roots, and go in the other completely opposite direction. You wake up one morning and decide to grow your hair out like you want to look like Johnny Depp with a sense of fashion, but the end result is just a Neil Young who got lost in Urban Outfitters.

You have potential. (See video above) Let’s be honest, do you want your legacy to be breakup songs about Jennifer Aniston, or do you want to go down in history with some of the greatest blues guitarists to have ever graced the stage? You can get there, you are there in many ways, tap into that.

Cautiously Optimistic,

Brett Stewart

Also, please refrain from obnoxious dialogues in the presence of greatness, especially if they are annoying said greatness. (See Video) Nevertheless, that's still some damn good guitar playing. 

Friday, February 22, 2013

One and Only

by Kristina Hagman

A tribute to Madi Flink

We may not know your story, 
The inner workings of your mind
But we know what people called you,
And that was one word: kind.

Your smile, your laugh, your eyes
Your personality so true
How is it you're gone?
The one and only you.

Many tears have been shed
As we lay your soul to rest.
But we send you the best wishes
For eternity and all the rest. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Interns for Culver University Bruce Banner (Hulk) and Betty Ross meet.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013