Monday, January 7, 2013

Reasons to Quit Facebook, and Responses to Your Excuses

I've decided to do it. It’s a big life decision, but I think I can do it. It’s like buying a new car, or becoming a Packers fan. It’s a big decision that will impact my lifestyle greatly: quitting Facebook.
So I’m sure you are asking, why quit Facebook? Where’s your beef with da Book’? I shall tell you in a bulleted list, because everything is better in a bulleted list!

  • I Have Better Things to Do (And no, that doesn't mean Twitter.)

Facebook is the biggest time waste on the planet. I can’t even begin to tell you how many hours I’ve spent staring at statuses from people I don’t care about, memes or literally the dumbest things. Hell, most statuses are about how people are wasting time not doing what they are supposed to be doing. So now, I’m doing my entire lab report at 3 in the morning the day its due because I wasted my time reading about other people wasting their time on the same important thing. It’s the circle of procrastination. That brings me to my next item….

Here's you IQ... now, here's your IQ after being inflicted permanent IQ loss from reading Jeremy's dumbass posts.
  • Procrastination

I don’t need to explain this. You know it’s there, and you know Facebook one of the largest contributing factors to not actually doing something beneficial with your life…. And again, that doesn't mean twitter you jack-wagon.

  • The Stalking & Comparing

You've Facebook stalked someone. You know you have, don’t try and hide it. Maybe you found this Facebook stalking someone who liked this. Either way, it’s a waste of time, and honestly, very dumb. More so, and this is especially for you girls, Facebook is a fantastic tool for comparing your lives to those of your peers, or that random dude you friended who has the same name as you. (You know you have him….) What I’m getting at, is that why does it benefit you to compare yourself to someone else or stalk someone else? It’s not for your betterment or theirs, and may very well end in you not feeling too great.

When searching for images for this article, I actually found this. It's an "I hate Facebook" TIMELINE COVER.

  • Cyberbullying, Dumb People, and Jack-Wagons

We've already talked about how most of your Facebook browsing is directed towards dumb people, but let’s talk about the harm it does to you, on a deeper, more emotional level. Facebook lets you actively watch cyberbullying, arguments that escalate vastly past what they actually are, (C.B.A.K – Cowards Behind A Keyboard) and mean posts. I've seen derogatory posts towards people I know, I've seen personal posts who’s only intention is to single a person out emotionally, (Ie, “I have this one friends and she’s a total be—yottch!!” Yes, I know you don’t actually say it like that, but I’m going to make you seem that dumb for posting it in the first place) and I've seen groups and movements that are founded by pure hate. In fact,  this item can go all the way down to you seeing pictures of an event your friends had that you weren't invited to. All of these factors are remarkably negative, they have no benefit in your life and just hurt you.

  • Facebook Games.

No explanation needed, just imagine how much better your life would be and how much less hateful you would be if you stopped having to reject invites for any virtual games dealing with farms or mafias… or both. (It has to exist; it’s too dumb to not be on Facebook.)

Common Objections and my logical answers:

  • Reconnecting with Friends!

If you actually care about what certain people have to say, and actually want to stay in touch with them… get their email, phone number, or better yet, see them in person. That’s an actual friend and a legitimate relationship. If you absolutely need Facebook to talk to certain people, only keep those people in your friends. At least limit yourself… that means you, Ms. 600 friends and counting.
  • I just like to share photos and memories!

Welcome to Flickr, Google Picassa, or old fashion scrap booking. It’s the same exact thing, except now your memories are yours, instead of being accessed by everyone, their brothers, and the dude who has your college application on his desk.
  • I plan events and whatnot!

Google Calendar is actually much, much more effective for this, and everyone has a Google account. In fact, Google is the answer to pretty much all of this, and everything.
  • I have Facebook ‘Pages’ or important Groups!

This is actually a valid concern. I too have to be part of Facebook groups for Strike and Foglight, and I need access to Facebook Pages to monitor the Strike page and the Brett Stewart page… well, create a new account, and only monitor those things on it. If you want Facebook as a legitimate tool, use it as a legitimate tool.

With all of that said… think about it.  Maybe you’ll join me and quit Facebook for good. The social network really has no benefit to your life and if you have legitimate reasons for using it, Google has better alternatives anyway. Go live your life, don’t let Facebook rule it, or even contribute to it. We lose sight of how it’s only a website. Go ride a bike. Or fly a kite. Or fly a kite on a bike.

At least pretend to be active. Still better than Facebook. 

I am in no way responsible for any inevitable injuries attempting to fly a kite from a bike

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